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Developing ICT competencies while training scientific personnel


The article analyses the formation and development of ICT competencies when training scientific personnel. It has been shown that the integrated development of science is directly linked to the development of information and communication technologies, regardless of the existing infrastructure for these technologies. The close relationship and mutual influence of science and information technology in different historical periods of human development has been examined. The lists of laws regulating scientific activities have been given, as well as the main principles and definitions of these activities recognized by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. The prerequisites for the formation of competences in the field of information and communication technologies in a scientific environment have been described. The current competencies that are necessary to conduct scientific and/or scientific-technical (technological) research with further commercialization of scientific and/or scientifictechnical (technological) results in the form of implementation of innovative projects aimed at solving economic, social or other socially important tasks have been analyzed. The article presents a list of the main components of the currently adopted pan-European competence framework which have been divided into three groups: instrumental, reflecting the level of development of cognitive and methodological abilities, technological and linguistic skills of an individual; interpersonal, revealing individual skills (expression of feelings, attitude towards criticism and selfcriticism), social skills (interpersonal relationships, teamwork); systemic, enabling the parts of the competences to be seen in their connection and unity. The article analyses the key modern ICT competencies important for research and academic careers that need to be developed and shaped by young researchers.

About the Authors

A. I. Shemarov
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Department of Electronic Computing

Alexandr I. Shemarov, Ph.D. in Technology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor

E. G. Grinevich
School of Business of the Belarusian State University

Elena G. Grinevich, Department of Digital Systems and Technologies, Senior Lecturer


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For citations:

Shemarov A.I., Grinevich E.G. Developing ICT competencies while training scientific personnel. Library & Information Discourse. 2022;2(1):5-14. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2791-2841 (Online)