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Current research topics of Belarusian scientists through the prism of citation


The article considers a quantitative analysis of the citation of publications by Belarusian authors in subject areas in Scopus in order to present general data for all years and for the last decade. The obtained results were compared to identify possible changes. Subject areas of Belarusian science are outlined; the leading scientific thematic directions are determined both by the number of publications and by the number of citation. Separately, a block is presented concerning the dynamics of citation of publications of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, as the main scientific organization of the republic. The relevance of the study is confirmed by its applied nature, the results obtained can be used as input data by specialists in further research, heads of scientific organizations to make managerial decisions in the field of science policy, to determine the most promising areas of research, etc. It is concluded that the most Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry remain the cited subject areas of Belarusian science in Scopus, but over the past decade, in addition to Physics, Medical and Engineering Sciences have taken a leading position. An annual increase in the number of publications of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in Scopus was noted, their priority thematic focus both in the number of works and in the number of citations to them is Physics, Materials Science and Engineering. Recommendations for authors are given on how to increase the visibility of the results of research activities.

About the Authors

О. N. Sikorskaya
Central Scientific Library named after Yakub Kolas of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Oksana N. Sikorskaya, Department of Scientific Foundation of the Library Collections, Head of the Department

 RSCI AuthorID: 632175 

M. A. Bovkunovich
Central Scientific Library named after Yakub Kolas of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Maria A. Bovkunovich, Department of Scientific Foundation of the Library Collections, Researcher

 RSCI AuthorID: 904656 


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For citations:

Sikorskaya О.N., Bovkunovich M.A. Current research topics of Belarusian scientists through the prism of citation. Library & Information Discourse. 2022;2(1):15-21. (In Russ.)

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