Joint research of Russia and Belarus in the field of biotechnology
The article presents an analysis of the current state of Russian-Belarusian cooperation in the field of biotechnology for 2011–2021 according to the databases Web of Science Core Collection and Scopus. The dynamics of the publication flow, the most active foreign partners and organizations have been determined, priority areas for cooperation have been identified. As a result of the bibliometric analysis, it was found that the most fruitful in joint research are: Ecology, Agriculture, Experimental Medicine, Scientific Technology, Mycology. The directions with highly cited publications were: Nanotechnology, Medical Chemistry, Cytology, Medical Technologies. The most relevant research, which was already cited in the year of publication, dealt with the development of nanocrystals and nanoplates, the study of programmable materials, the genetics of agricultural plants. As a result of the analysis of the keywords of highly cited and rapidly cited articles, it was concluded that the scientific community is interested in works that have a practical orientation. Based on the ratio of the volume of publications and citations in different scientific fields, the authors proposed topics for further cooperation, priority publications for the publication of articles. The results of the work may be of interest from the point of view of administrative policy, further financing of promising areas, organizing joint research, and establishing scientific ties.
About the Authors
E. V. BeskaravaynayaRussian Federation
Elena V. Beskaravaynaya, Senior Researcher
Scopus ID: 55661129800
ResearcherID: T-8970-2019
РИНЦ AuthorID: 519605
T. N. Kharybina
Russian Federation
Tatyana N. Kharybina, Central Library of the Pushchino Research Center, Head of the Department, Senior Researcher
Scopus ID: 54880573000
ResearcherID: AAF-7789-2021
РИНЦ AuthorID: 85667
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For citations:
Beskaravaynaya E.V., Kharybina T.N. Joint research of Russia and Belarus in the field of biotechnology. Library & Information Discourse. 2022;2(1):22-30. (In Russ.)