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Bibliometric analysis of Belarusian publications on agrarian topics for 1991–2021 presented in scientometric databases


Scientometric indicators are nowadays an almost mandatory element in assessing the scientific activity of a scientist or an academic organization, and scientometric methods are actively used in various studies in the field of science studies, including bibliometric studies. The article analyses the three largest citation systems. The Belarusian publications on agriculture selected from Web of Science, Scopus and RSCI scientometric databases for the period 1991 –2021 have been studied in detail. Articles were analyzed by subject, publishing organizations, authors, year of publication, types of publications, and other parameters. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the number of publications and the number of their citations is growing every year. This indicates the growing publication activity of the authors. However, Belarusian authors prefer to publish in Russian-language editions that are not included articlein foreign information resources. This indicates the need for their further promotion in the world information systems. At the same time, the reflection of publications with the participation of Belarusian authors in international information resources undoubtedly has a positive effect on the status of national science in the system of global scientific communications.

About the Authors

R. A. Muravitskaya
I.S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus,

Ryma A. Muravitskaya, Scientific and Bibliographic Department of Remote User Service, Head of the Department

RSCI AuthorID: 905379

N. S. Shakura
I.S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus,

Natallia S. Shakura, Scientific and Bibliographic Department of Remote User Service, Researcher

RSCI AuthorID: 1090912

E. V. Aksiuta
I.S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus,

Ekaterina V. Aksiuta, Scientific and Bibliographic Department of Remote User Service, Researcher

 RSCI AuthorID: 905346 

V. V. Slyamnyova
I.S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus,

Vera V. Slyamnyova, Scientific and Bibliographic Department of Remote User Service, Junior researcher

RSCI AuthorID: 924086


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For citations:

Muravitskaya R.A., Shakura N.S., Aksiuta E.V., Slyamnyova V.V. Bibliometric analysis of Belarusian publications on agrarian topics for 1991–2021 presented in scientometric databases. Library & Information Discourse. 2022;2(1):31-40. (In Russ.)

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