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From the history of agricultural printing. Journal «Russian Agriculture» (1869–1876)


The article presents the history of the creation of the journal "Russian Agriculture", one of the first branch scientific journals. On the basis of the method of bibliometric analysis, the quantitative indicators of articles for the period of publication of the journal, their subject matter, typology, and its composition of authors are determined. Examples of publications of scientists and public figures are given. The article analyses the role of the journal editors: a famous scientist I.A. Stebut and a graduate of the Gorygoretsky Institute in 1860 A.V. Neruchev. The journal is a valuable source of historical information on agricultural science at the initial stage of the emergence of its branches. It is concluded that in the second half of the 19th century in Russia the publication of agricultural journals was increasingly oriented towards a wide range of specialists, and not just large landowners. Scientific knowledge is gradually becoming in demand, and this is the main role of the «Russian Agriculture» journal in shaping this need.

About the Author

V. A. Nokhrina
Central Scientific Agricultural Library
Russian Federation

 Valentina A. Nokhrina, PhD in Historical Sciences, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Department of Acquisitions and Collection Processing, Head of the Department RSCI AuthorID: 100978


1. Nokhrina V. A. Publications of the Moscow Society of Agriculture as a source on the history of development of agricultural thought in Russia (to the 200th anniversary of the society 1820–1930). International Agricultural Journal, 2020, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 65–75 (in Russian).

2. Central state archive of the city of Moscow. F. 419. Op. 1. D. 1754. L. 23, 4, 41.

3. Neruchev M. V. Report on the publication of the journal "Russian Agriculture" in 1869. Otchet o deyatel'nosti Moskovskogo obshchestva sel'skogo khozyaistva i ego uchrezhdenii za 1869 g. [Report on the activities of the Moscow Society of Agriculture and its institutions for 1869]. Moscow, 1870. (in Russian).

4. Perepelkin A. P. Historical note on the 30 years of activity of the Imperial Moscow Society of Agriculture and its President I.N. Shatilov, 1860-1889. Moscow, A. A. Levenson Publ, 1890. 746 p. (in Russian).

5. Neruchev M. V. About the publishing program. Russkoe sel'skoe khozyaistvo [Russian Agriculture], 1876, no. 12, p. 5 (in Russian).

6. From the editors. Russkoe sel'skoe khozyaistvo [Russian Agriculture], 1869, vol. 1, no. 1, pp.3–8 (in Russian).


For citations:

Nokhrina V.A. From the history of agricultural printing. Journal «Russian Agriculture» (1869–1876). Library & Information Discourse. 2022;2(1):57-62. (In Russ.)

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