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Sources of acquisition of documents of the Central Scientific Agricultural Library collection for informational support of agricultural research (2018–2022)


The article deals with the main sources of acquisition of the library collection of the Central Scientific Agricultural Library of the Russian Federation (CSAL). Several main groups of sources have been identified: compulsory free copies of documents, departmental compulsory copies of documents of scientific institutions, gifts and donations from organizations, document exchange, and licence-based Internet resources. It is shown that the compulsory copies are the main sources of replenishment of the collection (80%). A steady decline in the receipt of documents from other sources has been established. The data in dynamics for five years on replenishment of books and journals to the library are presented, indicating the relative stability of enrichment of the collection. It is concluded that the current network system of informing about the industrial scientific publishing products cannot be considered satisfactory. There is a need for a single portal on the Internet, where information resources of all publishing organizations would be presented.

About the Authors

V. A. Nokhrina
Central Scientific Agricultural Library
Russian Federation

Valentina A. Nokhrina, PhD in Historical Sciences, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Department of Acquisitions and Collection Processing, Head of the Department,


RSCI AuthorID: 100978.

L. N. Soboleva
Central Scientific Agricultural Library
Russian Federation

Lyudmila N. Soboleva, Department of Acquisitions and Collection Processing, Main Librarian,



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For citations:

Nokhrina V.A., Soboleva L.N. Sources of acquisition of documents of the Central Scientific Agricultural Library collection for informational support of agricultural research (2018–2022). Library & Information Discourse. 2023;3(2):34-39. (In Russ.)

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