Using the AGROVOC thesaurus to analyse the thematic structure of national documents in the collection of the Belarusian Agricultural Library
The article presents the results of the analysis of the thematic structure of the incoming national documents to the collection of the Belarusian Agricultural Library by indexing with the terms of the AGROVOC thesaurus the materials of international scientific and scientific-practical conferences of the institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, received into the collection in 2021. Based on the results of indexing 1262 scientific articles from 20 selected sources, conclusions were drawn about the subjects of the analyzed set by highlighting the most frequently occurring terms. The field of agricultural genetics reflected by the term "genetic techniques" was the most popular among the indexed articles; "fertiliser application" and "plant protection" indicate the reflection of farming issues; the term "radioactive contamination" belongs to the topic of ecology; issues related to the food industry were also raised by the authors of the analyzed articles, as indicated by the high frequency of repetition of the term "foods". In the process of indexing of the analyzed set, the lack of some terms to reflect this or that concept was revealed. The conclusions about the effectiveness of using the AGROVOC thesaurus to analyse the thematic structure of national documents in the collection of the Belarusian Agricultural Library have been made.
About the Authors
S. I. VoronovichBelarus
Svetlana I. Voronovich, Department of the Scientific Formation of Information Resources, Researcher,
Yu. A. Karakulka
Yuliya A. Karakulka, Scientific Secretary
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For citations:
Voronovich S.I., Karakulka Yu.A. Using the AGROVOC thesaurus to analyse the thematic structure of national documents in the collection of the Belarusian Agricultural Library. Library & Information Discourse. 2023;3(2):40-47. (In Russ.)