Personalities in library science. Demyan Romanovich Novikov – a librarian, soldier, educator
The article examines the influence of an individual on the development of library science, on the example of Demyan Romanovich Novikov , the director of the library of the Belarusian Agricultural Academy in Gorki from 1920 to 1975. His biography is described, his contribution to the development and formation of the library during 55 years of his work as the director is traced. The article contains the memoirs of eyewitnesses, as well as historical facts testifying to the importance and significance of D. R. Novikov’s work. Special attention is paid to the activities of subsequent generations of librarians of the library of the Belarusian Agricultural Academy, which have been aimed at promoting the contribution of D.R. Novikov for the development of the library and the academy as a whole, for the bibliographic study of his publication heritage, for the preservation and memorialization of memory of him. It is proposed to use his activities as an example for training specialists in library science.
About the Author
G. E. MedvedevaBelarus
Medvedeva Galina Evgenievna, Scientific library, Department of Storage of the Main and Rare Collection, Head of the Department
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7. Medvedeva G. E. Demyan Romanovich Novikov – a legend of library science. Epokha na knizhnykh stranitsakh: (k 180-letiyu Belorusskoi gosudarstvennoi sel'skokhozyaistvennoi akademii i biblioteki im. D. R. Novikova)[An era in book pages: (to the 180th anniversary of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy and Library named after D. R. Novikov)]. Gorki, 2020, pp. 20–26 (in Russian).
For citations:
Medvedeva G.E. Personalities in library science. Demyan Romanovich Novikov – a librarian, soldier, educator. Library & Information Discourse. 2021;1(1):69-76. (In Russ.)