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Computer system for Internet monitoring of scientific and technical information


The concept of an automated system for Internet monitoring of scientific and technical information in solving problems of supporting decision-making processes in various subject areas is presented. The functional components of the system are three main subsystems: a subsystem for linguistic and statistical analysis of text documents, a subsystem for their lexico-semantic processing, and an information retrieval subsystem. The tasks solved by these subsystems are formulated. The first subsystem ensures the creation of linguistic dictionaries of the Internet monitoring system, as well as the calculation of the information content of words, sentences and texts. The second subsystem solves the problems of summarizing, categorizing and evaluating the tone of text documents and messages. The third subsystem performs indexing of web pages, their documentary search and factual search for messages on the found web pages.

About the Authors

S. F. Lipnitsky
The United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Stanislav F. Lipnitsky, Doctor of Sciences in Engineering, , Chief Researcher


L. V. Stepura
The United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Ludmila V. Stepura, Chief Researcher



1. Nenakhova A. Information monitoring. Direktor informatsionnoi sluzhby [Information Service Director], 2007, no. 1. Available at: cio/2007/01/3923816(accessed 11.04.2023) (in Russian).

2. Bazarov R. Business intelligence agency. Available at: Agentura_Delovykh_Specsluzhb.html(accessed 10.04.2023) (in Russian).

3. Taktaev S. Information search in computer networks: new approaches. Available at: (accessed 10.04.2023) (in Russian).

4. Buravkin A., Lipnitsky S., Stepura L. Internet search for alternatives in the decision-making process. Razvitie informatizatsii i gosudarstvennoi sistemy nauchno-tekhnicheskoi informatsii (RINTI-2021): doklady KhKh Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-tekhnicheskoi konferentsii, Minsk, 18 noyabrya 2021 g.[Development of Informatization and the State System of Scientific and Technical Information (RINTI-2021): reports of the XX International Scientific and Technical Conference, Minsk, November 18, 2021]. Minsk, 2021, pp. 180– 183 (in Russian).


For citations:

Lipnitsky S.F., Stepura L.V. Computer system for Internet monitoring of scientific and technical information. Library & Information Discourse. 2023;3(1):5-10. (In Russ.)

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