From the history of science communication: science communication of the Antiquity
The article deals with the history of the origin and development of science communication in the Antiquity (8th century BC – 5th century AD). The paper examines the main spaces of science communication of the two civilizations that were actively developing at that time, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. A definition of science communication is given and its general structure is described. The general features of the development of science in the period of Antiquity, its genesis and history are outlined. Science is considered in the broad historical socio-cultural context of its historical development. It is noted that the emergence of science becomes possible only at a certain stage of development of society, in countries with developed agriculture, and urban culture. The article describes the origins and formation of norms of oral communication among scholars, i.e., rules for conversations, discussions, and dialogues, as well as the emergence of theoretical science. The role of itinerant scientists in the dissemination of scientific knowledge is shown. It is argued that the inclusion of natural and mathematical sciences in the course of education was an important stage in the development of scientific communication in ancient Greece. The paper analyzes the peculiarities of the participation in the science communication of its time of the famous ancient Greek philosophical schools, such as Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle. The article describes the emergence of a new form of scientific communication: the tradition of exchanging letters between scientists. The contribution of the Museion of Alexandria and the Library of Alexandria to the development of science and scientific communication of the Antiquity era is analyzed. The role of ancient libraries in the system of scientific communication of the analyzed era is considered.
About the Author
I. F. BogdanovaBelarus
Irina F. Bogdanova, PhD in Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher
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For citations:
Bogdanova I.F. From the history of science communication: science communication of the Antiquity. Library & Information Discourse. 2023;3(1):19-28. (In Russ.)