Analysis of library web pages on the websites of agricultural universities in Russia
The results of a study conducted at the Central Scientific Agricultural Library (FSBI CSAL) on the analysis of the content of the web pages of agricultural universities in Russia have been presented. The study is a part of the second stage of the research of the websites of research institutions of the agro-industrial complex of Russia. In 2022 the analysis of the websites of research institutes of the agro-industrial complex, including sections or web pages of their libraries, was carried out. Websites form the web environment of each institution and the information space of the industry. Information about the availability of the library was found on 50 websites out of 54 agrarian universities: in the headings of the 1st level (20%), 2nd level (54%), 3rd level (22%) and 4th (4%) levels. Different approaches to the formation of headings representing the resources and services of libraries and the degree of completeness of their description have been revealed. A search on the library web page is mainly conducted by sections and headings (43 web pages (86%)), but on 8 web pages it is possible to search in the search box (16%). The site maps on the web pages of libraries have not been identified. There are 39 web pages with free access to all resources, but 11 require a login and password to enter the Electronic Catalog and/or the Electronic Library. The most common headings on the web pages of libraries have been identified, while only 29 libraries (58%) have information about their services, 3 libraries (6%) have only information about the availability of printing, bibliographic and other services. It was found that important information for the user can be placed in headings of the 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th level, which reduces its accessibility; not all the content and not all the functions traditionally carried out by the university library are available remotely; the web pages have almost no graphics and images, which makes the page little attractive to young people. Recommendations for improving the quality of library web pages are presented.
About the Authors
L. N. PirumovaRussian Federation
Lidia N. Pirumova, PhD in Pedagogic Sciences, Honoured Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, Deputy Director or Academic Affairs
L. V. Ilyina
Russian Federation
Lyubov V. Ilyina, , Department of Analytical and Synthetic Document Processing and Linguistic Support, Senior Researcher
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For citations:
Pirumova L.N., Ilyina L.V. Analysis of library web pages on the websites of agricultural universities in Russia. Library & Information Discourse. 2023;3(1):35-44. (In Russ.)