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National libraries’ work during the pandemic: past and present


The article is devoted to the study of the national libraries work in the conditions of the new coronavirus disease COVID-19 pandemic. The author describes the ways national libraries choose different methods of working with users, develop innovative services, expand the repertoire of information resources / products, and take measures to ensure the safe work of employees, including the remote work. The analysis of both general and specific decisions on the organization of work, made by various libraries around the world in the context of the pandemic-induced constraints is given. Topical issues of library activities during this period are discussed. The dates of the recurring closure of a number of national libraries of the world and the basic rules of work in them as of November 15, 2021 are given, as well as data from 2 surveys among 55 national libraries of the world about how they were affected by the situation with COVID-19. It is shown that these surveys provided an understanding of how the world's national libraries have responded to the COVID-19 outbreak and the impact the pandemic has had on these organizations. The article outlines the most frequently cited pandemic issues for national libraries at the moment and in the near future. It is emphasized that the reopening of libraries may be temporary and the risk of new sanitary restrictions should always be borne in mind.

About the Author

I. F. Bogdanova
I. S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Irina F. Bogdanova - PhD in Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Research and Scientific and Methodological Activities, Senior Researcher

RSCI AuthorID: 971576



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For citations:

Bogdanova I.F. National libraries’ work during the pandemic: past and present. Library & Information Discourse. 2021;1(1):8-16. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2791-2841 (Online)