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The system of linguistic support for a modern industry-specific ALIS


The system of linguistic support (LS) of the automated library-information system (ALIS) of a scientific subject library is considered on the example of the Central Scientific Agricultural Library (CSAL). The following elements of LS are considered: linguistic tools, tools of formation and support of information retrieval languages (IRLs), methods of IRL indexing, regulatory documents. Their role in the LS system and the effective functioning of the ALIS is determined. The efficiency of ALIS depends on the choice of LS. IRLs are the main element of LS, since they form and structure information arrays, turning them from a siloed, formless pile of information into a systematized logical system. The main objective of the IRLs is to present information in a contracted form and ensure its search afterwards. To meet the diverse needs of library users, there should be several IRLs, because there is no ideal single IRL that simultaneously performs all the functions of linguistic tools and provides all the information tasks solved by ALIS, for example, the processes of database preparation; preparation of information publications; distribution of information flows between users. The structure of the linguistic tools of the CSAL’s ALIS includes several IRLs: language of bibliographic description, the Industry-Specific Classification Index (Rubricator) for Agriculture and Food, Universal Decimal Classification (UDC), the Information Retrieval Thesaurus on Agriculture and Food, language of keywords. Their functions in the CSAL’s ALIS are considered. The listed IRLs, except for UDC, are search linguistic tools in the OPAC-Global ALIS. It is concluded that most promising is the use of IRLs specially designed for an automated system such as the Industry-Specific Rubricator and Thesaurus.

About the Authors

L. N. Pirumova
Central Scientific Agricultural Library
Russian Federation

Lidia N. Pirumova, PhD in Pedagogic Sciences, Deputy Director, Honoured Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization,


Researcher ID: AAN-2749-2021;

РИНЦ AuthorID: 100977.

E. P. Kadilina
Central Scientific Agricultural Library
Russian Federation

Elizaveta P. Kadilina, Researcher of the Department of Analytical and Synthetic Document Processing and Linguistic Support,


РИНЦ AuthorID: 108368.


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For citations:

Pirumova L.N., Kadilina E.P. The system of linguistic support for a modern industry-specific ALIS. Library & Information Discourse. 2024;4(1):6-12. (In Russ.)

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