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The role of the scientific library in the development of information literacy


The article presents the system for the development of information literacy for different groups of users of the scientific library and librarians (using the example of training activities held in Belarus Agricultural Library). The main informational skills and abilities that students, graduate students, scientists and specialists should possess are listed. The characteristics of seminars and presentations on the development of information literacy are given, with a description of the practical and theoretical parts. The influence of the level of information competence of users on the quality of scientific research is emphasized. The role of information literacy in the formation of professional consciousness of library specialists is shown. The advantages of the remote form of holding events in modern conditions are revealed. The necessity of constantly increasing the level of information skills in scientific libraries is substantiated.

About the Authors

V. V. Slyamnyova
I. S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Vera V. Slyamnyova, Scientific and Bibliographic Department of Remote User Service, Junior Researcher

RSCI AuthorID: 924086


R. A. Muravitskaya
I. S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Ryma A. Muravitskaya, Scientific and Bibliographic Department of Remote User Service, Head of the Department

RSCI AuthorID: 905379


N. S. Shakura
I. S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Natallia S. Shakura, Scientific and Bibliographic Department of Remote User Service, Researcher

RSCI AuthorID: 906696


E. V. Aksiuta
I. S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Ekaterina V. Aksiuta, Scientific and Bibliographic Department of Remote User Service, Researcher

RSCI AuthorID: 905346



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For citations:

Slyamnyova V.V., Muravitskaya R.A., Shakura N.S., Aksiuta E.V. The role of the scientific library in the development of information literacy. Library & Information Discourse. 2021;1(1):23-29. (In Russ.)

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