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Software complex for multithreaded processing of scientific information for user services of Belarus Agricultural Library


The article is devoted to the implementation of the "Software complex for multithreaded processing of scientific information for user services of Belarus Agricultural Library ". The new system allows to keep records of users, store and correct their requests, send selected information in the form of a bibliographic list, send completed full texts of documents, monitor the required information in some resources in a semi-automatic mode, etc. The software package consists of user and administrative blocks. The administrative block includes several main modules: accounts (users, specialists, organizations), requests (thematic, for delivery, deliveries), monitoring (sources of bibliographic descriptions, monitoring of bibliographic descriptions) and statistics (organization / users, quantitative, specialist / requests, organization / inquiries, supplies). The introduction of this system will be the largest update of the remote user services of Belarus Agricultural Library over the past ten years.

About the Authors

R. A. Muravitskaya
I. S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Ryma A. Muravitskaya, Scientific and Bibliographic Department of Remote User Service, Head of the Department

RSCI AuthorID: 905379


D. P. Babaryka
I. S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Dzmitry P. Babaryka, Deputy Director for Science

RSCI AuthorID: 1090912


N. S. Shakura
I. S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Natallia S. Shakura, Scientific and Bibliographic Department of Remote User Service, Researcher

RSCI AuthorID: 1090912


E. V. Aksiuta
I. S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Ekaterina V. Aksiuta, Scientific and Bibliographic Department of Remote User Service, Researcher

RSCI AuthorID: 905346


V. V. Slyamnyova
I. S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Vera V. Slyamnyova, Scientific and Bibliographic Department of Remote User Service, Junior researcher

RSCI AuthorID: 924086



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For citations:

Muravitskaya R.A., Babaryka D.P., Shakura N.S., Aksiuta E.V., Slyamnyova V.V. Software complex for multithreaded processing of scientific information for user services of Belarus Agricultural Library. Library & Information Discourse. 2021;1(1):30-37. (In Russ.)

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