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Traditional sources of formation of information resources of Belarus Agricultural Library in the era of digitalization


The article deals with the results of the work of Belarus Agricultural Library in the field of acquisition of traditional sources for its collection. Printed publications have formed the basis for the development of the library collection throughout its existence with publications on agriculture, forestry, food, and related industries. At present, more and more publications are being transferred into electronic format, which undoubtedly enables users to receive the necessary information promptly, at a convenient time for them and from anywhere in the country. At the same time, access to the majority of electronic resources for libraries is provided for a certain period and on a paid basis. Therefore, there is still a need for printed publications that are kept in the library collections permanently and do not lose their relevance for a significant period. Besides, they are not only a source of unique information, but also a cultural heritage. Unfortunately, over the past years, the number of printed editions acquired the library collection has been gradually decreasing for a variety of economic, organizational and even political reasons. In this regard, the library is carrying out a purposeful and active work to develop its collection with specialized printed publications.

About the Authors

Zh. V. Dembovskaya
I. S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Zhanna V. Dembovskaya, Department of the Scientific Formation of Information Resources, Researcher


E. V. Gorbacheva
I. S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Elena V. Gorbacheva, PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of the Scientific Formation of Information Resources, Senior Researcher

RSCI AuthorID: 927250


E. S. Khalvita
I. S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Ekaterina S. Khalvita, Department of the Scientific Formation of Information Resources, Head of the Department


Yu. A. Karakulka
I. S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Yuliya A. Karakulka, Scientific Secretary



1. Charter of the State Institution “I.S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library” of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: (new edition): approved Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus 23 March 2016. Minsk, 2016. 14 p. (in Russian).

2. On the approval of the Regulation on the obligatory free copy of documents and the recognition as invalid of some resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Belarus: resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic Belarus, 3 September 2008, no. 1284. National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus. Available at: (accessed 01.12.2021) (in Russian).

3. On amendments to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated September 3, 2008 no. 1284: Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic Belarus, December 30, 2020, no. 790. National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus. Available at: (accessed 01.12.2021) (in Russian).

4. Dembovskaya Zh. V., Khalvita E. S. International document exchange in BelAL: facts and realities. Biblioteki v informatsionnom obshchestve: sokhranenie traditsii i razvitie novykh tekhnologii. Tema 2018 goda – «Nauchnaya biblioteka kak tsentr kul'turno-informatsionnogo prostranstva»: doklady III Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, Minsk, 6–7 dekabrya 2018 [Libraries in the information society: preservation of traditions and development of new technologies. Theme 2018 – «A scientific library as a center for cultural and information space»: proceedings of the III international scientific conference, Minsk, 6–7 December 2018]. Minsk, 2018, pp. 258–263 (in Russian).

5. Lokhvitskaya S. L., Kupich E. N. Reliable source of acquisition of the scientific library with foreign literature. Bibliotechnye fondy: problemy i resheniya [Library Funds: Problems and Solutions], 2007, no. 11. Available at: (accessed 19.11.2021) (in Russian).


For citations:

Dembovskaya Zh.V., Gorbacheva E.V., Khalvita E.S., Karakulka Yu.A. Traditional sources of formation of information resources of Belarus Agricultural Library in the era of digitalization. Library & Information Discourse. 2021;1(1):38-44. (In Russ.)

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